Monday, February 8, 2010

NARB panel confirms recommendations to PatentHEALTH

Source: Tan Sheet

The National Advertising Review Board agrees with earlier recommendations by the National Advertising Division that PatentHEALTH discontinue claims that Trigosamine Fast Acting joint health supplement "works" or "gets results" in three days. The claims in question were not supported by a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study submitted by the Canton, Ohio-based firm, the Council of Better Business Bureaus panel reaffirms in a review of an appeal by PatentHEALTH. Additionally, the board sided with NAD that an advertorial for the product reasonably could be perceived by consumers to be a news story. Therefore, the panel recommended the firm discontinue any ads "not clearly and conspicuously identified as an advertisement." PatentHEALTH, which appealed NAD's decision last summer, says it will give "due consideration" to the panel's recommendations.